It has 113,00 miles on it.When should i change the timing belt on my 03 Dodge Neon Srt?You should have changed it already.When should i change the timing belt on my 03 Dodge Neon Srt?their supposed to be changed every 75 thousand miles if you try and go past that sometimes they will break and cause engine damage to it,if your unsure of when it was changed id go ahead and change it now,it will save you a lot of headaches on down the line with it,good luck.When should i change the timing belt on my 03 Dodge Neon Srt?At a 113K miles, it should already have been done.
While you're changing the timing belt, replace the water pump, tensioner body, tensioner pulley and, since you're there, swap the idler pulley at the same time.When should i change the timing belt on my 03 Dodge Neon Srt?yeah man way past due!! when you change it use a Mitsuboshi belt and yes thats Mitsuboshi! they are the best belt around!!When should i change the timing belt on my 03 Dodge Neon Srt?i recommend taking it to someone who works on this type of cars, reason been, a lot of shops will turn you down, especially if is modded, also try getting a after market one, try modern performance, as a former srt owner i can tell you is worth the money, but like they said before change the water pump and the tensioner also, it would be a shame for it to go bad and you have to pay again. It should run you about about $ 400 $500 give it or take, but if you got the tools the time and the patience's i recommend do it your self is not hard at all, just time consuming.